Welcome to the Future of the Cloud - The Teneo Group
The Teneo Group

Welcome to the Future of the Cloud Understanding and Preventing Advanced Threats


Thank you all who joined us for this educational seminar. The feedback was great  overall. Although the information was presented quickly and at high level, we had some really great questions and interactions. We were actually there so long, the servers began to setting up for the next event around us! If ever you have any questions about cyber security physical, cloud, mobile or transport, please reach out to your engineer.

As promised, the slide decks that were presented are below:

The Teneo Group Presentation

Avanan protect any SaaS

vSEC Presentation

Mobile Security Solutions

Sandblast – Advanced Threat Prevention

Also promised was ability to perform a complimentary security checkup by clicking here. You can reach out to your Teneo sales manager or your account engineer. For your convenience, the contact information can be found here.


Finally, CONGRATULATIONS to Dan K for winning the 3-D printer! You owe us a picture of your first creation!



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